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Benchmark Web

User Guide

Contact Information.. ii

Revision History. ii

Summary. v

System Requirements. v

The User Control Panel. 1

Leaving Feedback. 1

Changing User Settings. 1

Changing the Password. 1

Changing User View Defaults. 2

Managing Case Docket Filter Tabs. 2

Today. 3

Tasks. 4

Court Events. 4

Personal Events. 4

Documents. 4

Follow Up. 4

Review.. 4

The User Dashboard. 5

Search ..... 5

Searching for a Specific Term.. 6

Searching Without a Specific Term.. 6

Document Search ..... 6

Document Search. 6

Sorting Search Results. 7

Filtering Search Results. 7

Adding Cases to Document Search. 7

Removing Cases from the Document Search List 8

Navigating Documents. 8

Court Docket ..... 8

Searching Court Dockets. 8

Viewing Court Dockets. 9

Docket Report 9

Calendar ..... 9

Navigating the Calendar 9

Adding Personal Events from Month View. 10

Adding Personal Events from Day or Week View.. 10

Rescheduling and Editing Personal Events with the Details Window. 10

Rescheduling Personal Events by Dragging the Event. 11

Create a New Multi-Day Personal Event 11

Tasks ..... 11

Adding a New Task. 11

Completing a Task. 12

Editing an Existing Task. 12

Removing a Task. 13

Task View options. 13

Tasks Added From Case Dockets. 13

Documents ...... 13

Viewing a Pending or Processed Document 13

Sign or Reject a Pending Document 14

Signing or Rejecting Multiple Documents. 14

Forwarding a Document to Another Judge. 14

Forwarding Multiple Documents to Another Judge. 15

Add/Editing Comments on a Document 15

Deleting a Comment 15

Setting Follow-up Status and Due Dates. 15

Accessing in Process Documents. 15

Viewing Processed Documents. 15

Emails. 16

Image Viewer ..... 16

Adding Images to the Image Viewer 16

Viewing Documents. 16

Navigating Documents. 16

Other Image Viewer Features. 16

E-Filing .... 16

Submitting a New Case. 16

E-Filing Documents to an Existing Case. 17

Document Templates ..... 18

Adding a New Template. 18

Editing a Template. 19

Navigating Within a Template. 20

Removing a Template. 20

My Open Cases ...... 20

Case Lists ..... 20

Case File Requests .... 21

Recent Cases ..... 21

Recent Searches ..... 21

Recent Dockets ..... 21

Open Case/Party Details. 21

Filter Results. 21

Case Details. 22

Case Detail Buttons. 22

Summary Tab. 22

History Tab. 22

Dockets Tab. 22

Docket Search. 23

Docket Images. 23

Docket Notes. 23

Creating a Task from a Case Docket. 23

Notes Tab. 24

Payment Plans Tab. 25

Citations. 26

Charges. 26

Bonds. 26

Emails. 27

Document Management. 27

Generating a Document from a Template. 27

Download a Document to Edit 28

Uploading an Edited or Submitted Document. 28

Party Details. 29

The Summary Panel. 29

Cases. 30

Events. 30

Charges/Dispositions. 30

Fees/Assessments. 30

Additional Information.. 30


The purpose of this document is to instruct the User in the usage of the features of the Benchmark Web interface.  This guide provides a short explanation of all features as well as exhaustive step by step instructions on their use.


Minimum Version

Microsoft Silverlight

5 or later

Microsoft Word

2010 or later

One of the Following:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

9 or later

Mozilla Firefox

20 or later

Google Chrome

26 or later


Leaving Feedback

1.       Click on the  Feedback Button to open

2.       In the pop up window that appears select the type of feedback you wish to leave, enter your name, your contact information, and your feedback and click the Submit Button.

Changing User Settings

Changing the Password

1.       Click on the  Settings Button to open the settings screen.

2.       Enter your old password and your new password in the indicated fields.

3.       Click the Change Button to save the change.

Changing User View Defaults

1.       Click on the  Settings Button to open the settings screen.

2.       From the drop down menus, the user can select:

a.       The default tab on the Case Details view.

b.       The default search option used on the Search Screen.

c.       Whether the Case Docket Viewer shows only dockets with images (Enabled) or all dockets (Disabled) by default.

d.       The screen to be used for the user�s home screen when logging in.

3.       Click the Change Button to save your preferences.

Managing Case Docket Filter Tabs

1.       Click on the  Settings Button to open the settings screen.

2.       Add a Filter Tab by clicking on the Add Button and typing in the desired name for the tab.


a.       To add a filter based on the docket description, click on the button under the Descriptions Column. 

                                                               i.      From the popup window that appears, select the desired docket descriptions from the drop down list and click on the Add Button to add it to the list of dockets to be shown.

                                                             ii.      Once all desired descriptions have been selected, click on the Done Button to save your changes to the Description Filter.

b.       To add a filter based on the docket highlight color, click on the button under the Colors Column.

                                                               i.      From the From the popup window that appears, select the desired color from the drop down list and click on the Add Button to add it to the list of colors to be shown.

                                                             ii.      Once all desired colors have been selected, click on the Done Button to save your changes to the Color Filter.

3.       To save the Filter Tab, click on the Done button to save the tab.

a.       If defaulting to a particular filter is desired check the Default checkbox prior to saving the filter.

4.       To edit a tab, Click on the edit button and make changes as outlined above. When finished, click the Done Button.

5.       To remove a tab, click on the Remove Button.


The Today Screen combines information on all pending and pertinent items for the current day.


Displays all tasks due on the current day. Clicking on the tasks header will open the tasks screen.  See the section of this guide related to Tasks for information on how to add tasks.

Court Events

Displays the information for all Court events scheduled on the current day.  Clicking on the link for an event will open that event�s Court Docket.

Personal Events

Displays the information for all personal events scheduled on the current day. Click on the Personal Events header to open the Calendar screen. For information on how to add personal events, see the section of the guide related to the Calendar.


Displays all documents that have been flagged as due on the current day. For information on setting document due dates see the section of this guide related to Documents.

Follow Up

Displays all Documents that have been flagged for follow up. For information on flagging documents for review see the section of this guide related to Documents.


Displays cases that have been flagged for review by the user.  For information on flagging a case for review, see the sections of the guide related to the Court Dockets and Case Details.


Two methods of searching for cases are available:

1.       Searching for a specific term (Name, Citation Number, Case Number, et cetera), with optional further refining filters.

2.       Searching without a specific term for all cases that meet filter criteria (File Date Range, Court Type, Statute).

Searching for a Specific Term

1.       Click on the desired term to bring up a search box for it.

2.       Enter the term to search for in the search field and press enter.

3.       If more precise filtering is required use the fields on the right hand side of the screen. Multiple filters can be used simultaneously.

a.       Putting dates in the Date Opened and or Date Closed will return only cases opened or closed within those time frames

b.       Putting a date in the Party Birth year field will return only cases which have a defendant born in the specified year.

c.       To limit the result to specific Court Types, Case Types, Party Types, or Divisions, select the desired items from their respective dropdowns (all are selected by default).

d.       To limit the search to specific statutes, begin entering the number or description of the statute. When the desired statute appears in the autocomplete list, click on it and click on the Add button to add it to the list of allowed statutes.

Searching Without a Specific Term

1.       Click on the All option at the top of the list of search terms.

2.       Put one or more filtering options into the fields on the right hand side of the screen. Multiple filters can be user simultaneously.

a.       Putting dates in the Date Opened and or Date Closed will return only cases opened or closed within those time frames

b.       Putting a date in the Party Birth year field will return only cases which have a defendant born in the specified year.

c.       To limit the result to specific Court Types, Case Types, Party Types, or Divisions, select the desired items from their respective dropdowns (all are selected by default).

d.       To limit the search to specific statutes, begin entering the number or description of the statute. When the desired statute appears in the autocomplete list, click on it and click on the Add button to add it to the list of allowed statutes.

3.       Click on the search button return all cases that meet the filter criteria (i.e. all felony cases opened in the first week of July).

Document Search

The Document Search screen allows the user to search documents across cases for words or phrases.

Document Search

Please Note: This feature may be slow on large databases when specific cases are not specified.

1.       Click on the Document Search tab on the User Dashboard to bring up the Document Search screen.

2.       To search documents on the selected cases, type the desired phrase into the search box and click the search button.

a.       If no selected cases are displayed on the right, any search will be applied to all documents present in the database.

3.       A list of all documents in the selected cases containing the searched text will appear, along with an image viewer.

Sorting Search Results

1.       Documents can be sorted within their cases number headings by clicking on the on the column header.

2.       Click the column again to reverse the sort order.

Filtering Search Results

1.       After performing a search, four new options will appear to actively filter the results.

a.       The Find field searches the Case Number as well as all text in the Date, Text, and Description columns in the document list.

b.       The From and To fields filter documents to the selected date range by the docket creation date.

c.       The Description drop down filters the documents based on the description of the docket they are attached to. To select descriptions click on the drop down and select all desired descriptions.

d.       The Color drop down filters the documents by highlight color of the docket they are attached to. To select colors, click on the drop down and select all desired highlight colors from the list.

Adding Cases to Document Search

Adding a Case from a Within a Case

1.       Open a case by clicking on its link.

2.       From the Case Details screen, click on the Document Search Button. 

a.       Multiple cases can be added in this manner prior to using the document search to search them.

Adding a Case from Outside of a Case

1.       Cases can be added to the list from three different locations(please see their respective sections in this guide for information on accessing them):

a.       The My Open Cases Screen.

b.       The Results screen of a Case Search.

c.       The Cases Tab on the Party Details Screen.

2.       To add a case from any of these lists, click on the checkbox under the OCR column.

3.       If more than three cases are in the list, a scroll bar will be allows access to the rest of the list.

Removing Cases from the Document Search List

1.       Click on the Document Search tab on the User Dashboard to bring up the Document Search Screen.

2.       To the right of the search box, under the In Cases Header click on the  Remove Button to remove a case from the search.

Navigating Documents

The selected document can be navigated with the controls at the top of the viewer window.

1.       Click the  Pop Out Button to open the document in a new browser window.

2.       To jump to the beginning or end of the document click on the outer left or right arrows respectively.

3.       To move to the next or previous page, click on the inner left or right arrow respectively.

4.       To zoom in or out on the document click on the magnifying glass icons.

5.       To advance to the next page with an instance of the searched phrase or return to the previous page click on the right or left arrows labeled Search Term Page Hit

Court Docket  

The Court Docket Tab allows the user to search and view court events and any associated cases.

Searching Court Dockets

1.       Click on the Court Dockets Tab on the User Dashboard to bring up the Court Docket Search screen.

2.       Click on the date fields to open calendar dropdown menus. From these dropdowns select the desired date range.

3.       To filter the results by judge, select the desired judge from the Judge drop down menu.

4.       Click the search button to search with the current date and judge selection.

a.       Search results can be sorted by the any column by clicking on the header.

Viewing Court Dockets

1.       After performing a Court Docket Search click on the  Docket icon next the desired event to open a list of cases for that Court Docket.

a.       If multiple events are desired, check the boxes next to the events and click the Search Multiple Events Button.

2.       From the Cases for Court Docket Screen the user can open cases and parties by clicking on their links.

3.       On this screen, cases will be highlighted depending on the time that has elapsed since their creation.  A yellow highlight indicates more than 90 days have elapsed since the case was filed and a red highlight indicates that more than 180 days have elapsed.

4.       Judges can add a personal judicial review flag to a case by clicking next to the case to be flagged underneath the   flag icon.

5.       Clicking the checkbox removes the case from the list view, allowing for a convenient view of the remaining cases in a docket.

6.       To show checked items, click the All and Incomplete Buttons to change the view mode.

Docket Report

1.       When viewing the court docket search results or court docket details, click the  PDF Icon to generate a printable report of the event.


The Calendar Tab allows users to view court and personal events and create personal events.

Navigating the Calendar

1.       Select the Calendar Tab on the User Dashboard to open the Calendar screen.

2.       To select the View Mode (Day/Week/Month), click on the buttons in the top right of the Calendar Screen.

a.       If access to more than one Calendar is configured, alternate calendars can be accessed by selecting the desired calendar from the drop down and click on the  Refresh icon.


3.       To navigate the Calendar, use the controls in the top left of the Calendar screen

a.       Click on the left and right arrow buttons to move forward or backward from the current view.

b.       Click on the Today Button to jump to the current day.

c.       Click on the Calendar icon to select a specific date to jump to.

4.       If an event on the calendar has associated cases, the Court Docket can be opened by clicking on the event.

Adding Personal Eventsfrom Month View.

1.       Double click on a day to add an event.

2.       In the details pop up window that appears, adjust the title and description by typing in the indicated boxes.

3.       To adjust the event time frame used the time and date dropdowns to adjust the start and end times for the event.

4.       Click the Save Button to save the event.

a.       To delete an event, double click it and select delete.

Adding Personal Events from Day or Week View

1.       Click and drag vertically to create the event and set the initial length.

2.       Enter the name of the event by typing in the event box.

3.       Click on the Save Button to save the event.

Rescheduling and Editing Personal Events with the Details Window.

1.       Open the event details window for the event.

a.       To open the details from the Month View, double click on an event.

b.       To open the details from the Day or Week View click on an event then click on the  Details icon.

2.       The title and description can be edited by typing in the Title and Description Boxes.

3.       The time frame of the event can be edited from the time and date drop downs at the bottom of the window. 

4.       Click the Save Button to save changes.

Rescheduling Personal Events by Dragging the Event.

1.       To change the start time of an event click on the event header and drag it to the desired time (Events can be dragged to different days as well).

a.       On the month view, click and drag on an event to change the day.

2.       To change the duration of the event click and drag on the bottom edge of the event.

Create a New Multi-Day Personal Event

1.        From the month view, click on a day and drag left or right to create a Multi-Day Event.

2.       Once the event includes the desired days release the mouse. The user will be prompted to set details for the event as for a normal event

3.       Once details are entered click the Save Button.


The Tasks Tab allows the user to track and manage to-do items.

Adding a New Task

1.       On the Use Dashboard, click on Tasks to open the Tasks screen.

2.       Click on the Add New Task Button.

3.       On the popup that appears fill out the task information.

a.       The Subject field is for a short description of the task

b.       The Start Date is the date after which the task will be considered active. If no date is set the task will be considered active.

c.       The Due Date is the date on which the task is to be completed by, after which it will be marked overdue. If no date is set, the due date will display as none in the task list.

d.       The Complete Date is the date on which the task was completed.

e.       The Assigned To party field is used to assign a task to another party.  The active user is selected by default (Please Note:  If the task is assigned to another party it will not be visible in the task list for the active use.)

f.        The Details field is for notes or explanations pertinent to the task.

4.       Once all task information has been entered successfully, click on the add button to add the task to the list.

Completing a Task

1.       On the Use Dashboard, click on Tasks to open the Tasks screen.

2.       Find the task to be completed in the list and click the check box to the left of the description.

a.       To un-complete a task click on the filled check box to remove the completed status.

3.       Completed tasks will be colored green and have their subject line and date struck through.

Editing an Existing Task

1.       On the Use Dashboard, click on Tasks to open the Tasks screen.

2.       Double click on the task to be edited.

3.       On the pop up that appears make any necessary changes and click the update button to save the task. Click delete again when asked to confirm.

Removing a Task

1.       1. On the Use Dashboard, click on Tasks to open the Tasks screen.

2.       Double click on the task to be edited.

3.       On the pop up that appears click the Delete Button

Task View options

1.       On the Use Dashboard, click on Tasks to open the Tasks screen.

2.       Click on one of the four filter tabs to change which tasks are displayed.

a.       The All Tab displays all tasks, regardless of completion status or active status.

b.       The Active Tab displays all uncompleted and overdue tasks which are active based on their start date.

c.       The Overdue Tab displays all active tasks which have passed their due date.

d.       The Complete Tab displays all tasks that have been marked complete.

3.       To further refine the task list, enter text in the Find field to search across the subject and due date columns in the task list.

Tasks Added From Case Dockets

Tasks added from Case Dockets contain additional functionality.

Please Note: Adding tasks from Case Dockets is cover in detail in the Case Details section of this document.

1.       To view a docket image attached to the task click on the   view image button. If an image exists on the docket it will open in a new browser window.

2.       To view the Case Details, click on the case number hyperlink.


The Documents Tab allows the user to manage generated and uploaded documents that require signatures or have been signed.

Viewing a Pending or Processed Document

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, make sure the desired Tab at the top of the screen is active.

3.       Click on a document�s list entry to bring up the document in the viewer window on the right hand side of the screen

4.       Click on the  Save icon to save a copy of the document to the computer.

5.       Click on the  Print icon to print the document.

6.       Click on the left and right outer arrows to jump to the beginning or end of the document respectively.

7.       Click on the left and right inner arrows to move to the previous or next page respectively.

8.       Click on the magnifying glass icons to zoom in or on the document. Alternatively select the zoom level from the drop down menu.

9.       Click on the three fitting icons  to, from left to right, fit the page by width, show an entire page or show two pages in a side by side view.

10.   Type in the Find field to search the text of the document for words or phrases.

11.   Click on the  previous and next hit buttons to move to the previous or next instance of the searched term in the document.

Sign or Reject a Pending Document

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is active.

3.       Click a document to highlight it. This will also open the document in the image viewer on the right hand side of the screen.  After reviewing the document, click either the Sign Button or the Reject Button to sign or reject the document.

a.       If rejecting the document, a prompt will appear for a reason for the rejection.

Signing or Rejecting Multiple Documents

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is active.

3.       Click on the check boxes next to the desired documents to select them.

4.       Click on either the Sign Selected or Reject Selected Buttons to sign or Reject the selected documents.

a.       If rejecting documents, a prompt will appear for a reason for the rejection.

Forwarding a Document to AnotherJudge

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is highlighted.

3.       Click a document to highlight it and click the Forward Button.  When prompted, select the desired party from the dropdown menu and click send.

Forwarding Multiple Documents to AnotherJudge

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, Make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is highlighted.

3.       Click on the check box next to the desired documents to select them.

4.       Click on the Forward Selected Button and select the desired party from the popup that appears.

Add/Editing Comments on a Document

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents Screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is highlighted.

3.       Click on a document to highlight it and click the Comments Button.

4.       On the pop up that appears click on the Add Comment Button to open the text entry field.

5.       One the comment is entered click on the Save Button to record the comment.

Deleting a Comment

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, Make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is highlighted.

3.       Click on a document to highlight it and click the Comments Button.

4.       On the popup that appears click on the  Trash Can icon to delete the comment.

Setting Follow-up Status and Due Dates

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, Make sure the Documents Tab at the top of the screen is highlighted.

3.       On the document row, click the left-hand icon to cycle through the three stages of follow-up: Clear , Flagged for Follow-Up , and Complete .

4.       To set a due date for follow-up click the  Calendar icon and select a date in the popup window.

a.       Due dates withihn the next week will display as red to serve as an additional reminder.

Accessing in Process Documents

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, click on the In Process Tab to access a list of unfinished documents that are not ready to be signed yet.

3.       To access one of these documents, click on its entry in the list.

Viewing Processed Documents

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, click on Processed Tab to access a list of signed documents.

3.       To change the range of viewable documents, adjust the From and To dates to the desired range and then click the Filter Button


1.       On the User Dashboard, click on Documents to open the Documents screen.

2.       On the Documents screen, click on Emails Tab to access a list of emails with attached documents.

Searching Emails

1.       To search within the email records, select the type of field to search in the left drop down and enter a search in the Find field.

2.       To further filter the search results, the user can select a From and To date from the date drop downs as well as the status of the email from the right hand drop down.

Image Viewer

The Image Viewer Tab allows the user to easily view multiple images or multiple pages of a multi-page document simultaneously.

Adding Images to the Image Viewer

1.       When viewing case dockets from within a case, click on the  Plus icon next to a docket with an image to add that image to the image viewer for easier viewing.

a.       Multiple images can be added to the image viewer for simultaneous viewing.

2.       Once an image is added to the Image Viewer, click on the Image Viewer tab on the User Dashboard to open the Viewer.

Viewing Documents

1.       Pages can be moved within their document window by clicking and dragging on the page.

2.       To zoom in and out on the current page, click on the Magnifying Glass Buttons at the top of the document window.

a.       The image viewer also support a mouse over zoom function for quickly focusing on specific sections of the document, to activate this functionality click on the Mouse Over Zoom check box.

Navigating Documents

1.       To move forward or backward in a document click on the inner arrows at the top of the document window.

2.       To jump to the beginning or end of a document, click on the outer arrows at the top of the document window.

Other Image Viewer Features

1.       To rotate the document 90 degrees, click on the Rotate Button.

2.       Individual pages of can be popped out into a separate document window. To pop out a page, navigate to the desired page can click on the Pop-Out Button.


Please Note: Access to e-Filing is managed from the Benchmark Windows Client.

Submitting a New Case

1.       On the User Dashboard, click on the e-File tab to expand it and select Submit New.

2.       Under Submit New e-File, select the desired Court Type and Case Type and click Submit.

3.       Click the edit buttons to add information to the default case parties, if additional parties are required, click on the Add Party link. Click the Documents button to proceed.

4.       If Documents are to be submitted with the case, click the Add Document link.

5.       A window will open allowing the user to select a file from their computer. From this window navigate to the location of the desired document and double click it. (Acceptable file types are .PDF and .TIF)

6.        If applicable, select the Document Type from the drop down and click the Review Button to proceed.

a.       If the document is a PDF, the user will be prompted to enter the number of pages before being able to continue.

7.       From the Review & Submit Screen, review the information and click the edit link to make any necessary changes. On the bottom portion of the screen, select the desired payment method from the options available and click submit.

8.       If submission was successful, Benchmark will generate and display an e-File confirmation number.

E-Filing Documents to an Existing Case

1.       There are three methods to e-File a document to an existing case.

a.       From the User Dashboard:

                                                               i.      On the User Dashboard, click on the e-File tab to expand it and select Submit New.

                                                             ii.      Type in the case number of the desired case and click submit.

b.       From the case details, click on the e-File Button.

c.       Click on the My Open Cases tab on the User Dashboard and click the e-File Icon next to the desired case.

2.       Click the Add Document link.

3.       A window will open allowing the user to select a file from their computer. From this window navigate to the location of the desired document and double click it. (Acceptable file types are .PDF and .TIF)

4.        If applicable, select the Document Type from the drop down and click the Review Button to proceed.

If the document is a PDF, the user will be prompted to enter the number of pages before being able to continue.

5.       From the Review & Submit Screen, review the information and click the edit link to make any necessary changes. When ready, click the Submit Button.

6.       If submission was successful, Benchmark will generate an e-File confirmation number.

Document Templates

Adding a New Template

Please Note: Template files must be in .docx format.

1.       Click the Document Template tab on the User Dashboard to open the Document Template Management Screen.

2.       Click on the Add New Button and enter the title and description when prompted.

3.       On the Edit Templates screen, click on the Upload button.

4.       From the pop up that appears, navigate to the desired file and double click on it to upload it.

5.       Once the upload is complete, a navigable preview of the template will be displayed for verification purposes.

6.       Click the Save Button to save the template.

Editing a Template

1.       Click the Document Template tab on the User Dashboard to open the Document Template Management Screen.

2.       From the Document Template Management Screen, click on the template to be edited.

3.       Click the Edit Button to download the current template for editing.

4.       Open and edit the downloaded template file in Microsoft Word.

5.       Once the desired changes have been made and saved, click on the Upload Button.

6.       Navigate to the edited document and double click it to upload the edited template.

7.       Click the Save Button to save the updated template.

Template Data Fields

Templates function by pulling Case information into designated data fields. A brief list of supported fields is included here, for more information see the Template Field Reference Document.






The case number


The amount owed on the case


The case filing date


The Case Display Style


The name of the primary party on the case


The name of the defendant (usually synonymous with the primary party)


The name of the secondary party on the case


The name of the plaintiff (usually synonymous with the secondary party)


The name of the attorney for the primary party


A place holder for the electronic signature.


The name of the attorney for the secondary party


The date on which a document is signed.


Navigating Within a Template

If a template is multiple pages long, it can be navigated with the controls at the top of the template.

1.       Click the Document Template Tab on the User Dashboard to open the Document Template Management Screen.

2.       From the Document Template Management Screen, click on a template.

3.       Click on the outer left and right arrows to jump to the beginning or end of the template respectively.

4.       Click on the inner left and right arrows to the previous or next page of the template respectively.

Removing a Template

1.       Click the Document Template Tab on the User Dashboard to open the Document Template Management Screen.

2.       From the Document Template Management Screen, click on the template to be deleted.

3.       Click on the Delete Button and click yes when asked to proceed.

My Open Cases

1.       Click on the My Open Cases Tab on the User Dashboard to bring up a list of all cases the user is current a part of.

2.       Click the + sign next to the  folder icon to expand a summary of the case.

3.       If the user is an attorney, or has e-Filing rights, they can access e-Filing from this page via the e-File Icon

Case Lists

1.       Click on the Case Lists tab on the User Dashboard to display a list of the case lists the user can access.

2.       To access individual lists, click on the name of the list and enter criteria, such as date range or judge name if prompted.

Case File Requests

Case File Requests allows the user to request physical files for a case.

1.       Click on the Case File Request Tab on the User Dashboard to open the case file request screen.

2.       Enter the case number of the desired case and click search.

3.       Once the search has completed, all storage items for the case will be displayed with information on their location and check out status.

4.       To submit a new request click on the  new request icon.

5.        On the pop up appears select the correct party, location and priority from the drop downs and click the Submit Button.

Recent Cases

Click the Recent Cases Tab on the User Dashboard to open a list of the 10 most recently viewed cases.

Recent Searches

Click the Recent Searches Tab on the User Dashboard to open a list of searches from the current session.

1.       Hover over the list entry to view the criteria used in the search.

2.       Click on the list entry to return to the search results for that search.

Recent Dockets

Open Case/Party Details

1.       Click on the Recent Dockets tab on the User Dashboard to open a list of the cases and defendants in the most recently selected docket. 

2.       To open a case or party, click on the desired link.

Filter Results

1.       To limit a docket to cases with disposed case events click on the Disposed Button, to return to viewing all of the cases, Click on the All Button.

Please Note: To open a case, click on the case number link from anywhere else on the site.

Case Detail Buttons

1.       The buttons along the top of the case details screen provide several options relating to the case.

a.       The Document Search Button adds a case to the search list for the cross case document search

b.       The print button enables the user to generate forms not found in the Document Templates, such as DUI School Forms.

c.       The E-File Button allows attorneys to e-File documents to the open case.

d.       The Email Button allows the use to easily email documents to all parties attached to a case.

e.       The Review Button flags a case for future Judicial Review.

f.        The Print View button displays the case summary tab in a printer friendly layout.

g.       If the user has previously opened a Court Docket, the Cases button will return the user to the details of that event.

Summary Tab

The Summary Tab allows quick access to the details of all parties on a case, related Court Dockets, as well as an overview of Fees, Charges and Documents on the case.

1.       To view the Summary Tab, click on Summary at the top of the Case Details. 

History Tab

The History Tab shows a brief list of all of the defendant�s previous cases with Charge, Disposition, and Fee information.

1.       To view the History Tab, click on History at the top of the Case Details.

Dockets Tab

The Dockets Tab allows the user to view dockets and images attached to the case.

1.       To access the Dockets Tab, click on Dockets at the top of the Case Details.

Docket Search

1.       Dockets can be filtered by a number of criteria.  To show all filter options click the  Search icon.  To limit the list to only dockets with images attached, click the  Filter icon.

2.       Description and Color filter options can be saved to tabs that appear on every case for easy access to frequently used searches. To create a new tab, click on the  Plus icon with the desired criteria entered.

Docket Images

1.       Images attached to dockets can be navigated with the controls at the top of the image viewer on the right hand side of the screen.

a.       Click the inner arrows to move forward and backwards through a document.

b.       Click the outer arrows to jump to the beginning or end of a document.

c.       Click on the  pdf icon to view a printable, pdf version of the document.

d.       Click on the magnifying glass icons to zoom in and out on the document.

e.       To fit the document to the viewer window, select either Fit to Width or Fit to Height.

Docket Notes

1.       To add or edit a note to a docket, click on the  Add Note icon (if there is a pre-existing note the icon will change to the Edit Note icon).

2.       On the note entry popup that appears, click on the region labeled, �Click here to add a new item� to add a new note.

a.       To edit a note, double click on the note entry.

3.       Enter the note text in the text field and select the security level from the drop down list.

4.       Click the Save button to save the note.

5.       To remove a note, click the remove button on the note entry popup.

Creating a Task from a Case Docket.

1.       Click on the desired docket entry to highlight it.

2.       Click on the Add Task Button at the top of the list.

3.        On the popup that appears fill out the information for the task.

a.       The Subject field is for a short description of the task

b.       The Start Date is the date after which the task will be considered active. If no date is set the task will be considered active.

c.       The Due Date is the date on which the task is to be completed by, after which it will be marked overdue. If no date is set, the due date will display as none in the task list.

d.       The Complete Date is the date on which the task was completed.

e.       The Assigned To party field is used to assign a task to another party.  The active user is selected by default (Please Note:  If the task is assigned to another party it will not be visible in the task list for the active use.)

f.        The Details field is for notes or explanations pertinent to the task.

4.       Once all task information has been entered successfully, click on the add button to add the task to the list.

Notes Tab

The Notes Tab allows the user to attach notes and documents to the case as a whole and manage their visibility.

1.       To access the Notes Tab, click on Notes at the top of the Case Details.

2.       To post a note, click on the Add Case Note link.

3.       On the popup window that appears enter the note in the test entry field, set the security level, and attach any necessary documents.

a.       To attach a documents that is already present on the case, click on the Case Documents Button and select any desired documents from the list that appears.

b.       To attach a document not on the case, click on the Browse Button, navigate to the desired file, and double click on it.

4.       Notes can be edited or deleted with the Edit and Delete Buttons.

Payment Plans Tab

The Payment Plans Tab displays the detail of any payment plans associated with the case.

Please Note: Access to the Payment Plans Tab is managed from the Benchmark Windows Client.

1.       To access the Payment Plans tab, click on Payment Plans at the top of the Case Details.

2.       If multiple cases are included on a single plan, click the case number to display the details for that case.


The Citations Tab displays the details of any citations on the case. 

Please Note: Access to the Citations Tab is managed from the Benchmark Windows Client.


1.       To access the Citations Tab, click on Citations at the top of the Case Details.


The Charges Tab displays information on the charges on the case along with any disposition and sentencing information.

Please Note: Access to the Charges Tab is managed from the Benchmark Windows Client

1.       To access the Charges Tab, click on Charges at the top of the Case Details.


The Bonds Tab displays the status and details of any bonds associated with the case.

Please Note: Access to the Bonds Tab is managed from the Benchmark Windows Client.

1.       To access the Bonds Tab, click on Bonds at the top of the Case Details.


The Emails Tab displays emails containing documents sent between parties attached to the case

To access the Emails Tab, click on Emails at the top of the Case Details.

1.       To search within the email records, select the type of field to search in the left drop down and enter a search in the Find box.

2.       To further filter the search results, the user can select a From and To date from the date drop downs as well as the status of the email from the right hand drop down.

Document Management

The Document Management Tab allows the user to generate, upload, and sign documents.

Generating a Document from a Template.

1.       To generate a document, click on Document Management at the top of the Case Details.

2.       Select the desired Document Template by clicking on it. The User will be taken to a screen to edit the document.

3.       If changes need to be changed from the automatically filled values click in the text entry field and change the text to the desired value.

4.       To save a document for further editing later, click the Save Button. 

5.       Once a document is finished the user has two options

a.       The Queue Button Saves the document in the documents tab for later signing.

b.       The Sign Button signs a document immediately.  The signed document will be viewable from the Processed Queue in the documents tab.

Download a Document to Edit

If after editing all of the available fields, further changes need to be made to a document it can be downloaded for editing in Microsoft Word.

1.       To download the document click on the Edit Button.

2.       The document will be downloaded to the User�s computer.

Uploading an Edited or Submitted Document

1.       To upload a document click on Document Management at the top of the Case Details.

2.       Select the Blank Document Template by clicking on.  The User will be taken to a screen to upload a document.

a.       If the document to be uploaded is an edited version of a document for which a template exists, select the template for that document type and skip step 5.

3.       Click on the Upload Button. A file browser window will appear. Navigate to the file to be uploaded and double click on it (accepted file types are .docx and .pdf).

4.       Once the file is uploaded edit the document title and description by clicking in the title and description fields and editing the text to the desired value.

5.       To save a document to return to later, click the Save Button.

6.       To sign the document THIS MAY NEED TO BE REVISED ONCE THINGS ARE FINALIZED click on the Insert Signature Button to insert a signature into the document.

a.       Change the position of the signature by clicking and dragging on the body of the signature.

b.       Resize the signature by clicking and dragging on the grey circles at the corners of the signature.

7.       To save the signature on the document, click on the Save Signature button

8.       To cancel the signature and return to the document click on the Cancel Signature Button.

Please Note: To access the Party Details screen click on a party name link from anywhere else on the site.

The Summary Panel

The Summary Panel is always visible on the Party Details and displays pertinent party information including:

1.       Mug Shot

2.       Name

3.       Address

4.       Date of Birth

5.       SSN

6.       Gender

7.       Race

8.       Driver�s License Number

9.       Height

10.   Weight

11.   Hair Color

12.   Eye Color

13.   Phone Number


The Cases Tab displays all cases a party is attached to as well as their role in the case.

1.       Click on the + icon under the details to expand a summary of the case within in the list. 

2.       Click on the OCR checkbox to add the case to the cross case Document Search

3.       Click on any Party or Case links to open the respective details screens.


The Events Tab displays details for all court events that the party has been part of.

1.       Click on the Case # link to open the Case Details for that case.

2.       Click on the Event link to open the associated Court Docket.


The Charges/Dispositions Tab displays all charges and dispositions for the party.

1.       Click on the Case # link to open the Case Details for that case.


The Fees/Assessments Tab displays the fee and payment history for the party.

1.       Click on the Case # link to open the Case Details for that case.

Additional Information

The Additional Information Tab displays extraneous party information such as aliases and additional addresses.